• Open to everyone, without conditions
• For players from middle schools and last years of ground schools.
• Open to players born from 2010 + max 1 overage player born in 2009
• It is not required to be a champion, the tournament is open also to schools playing tchoukball by few months and willing to experiment the fun of playing on the beach
• Reserved for more experienced players, it has the goal to welcome the most competitive teams (clubs or national selections) in a high-level tournament to increase the spectacularity of the games.
• This tournament has a limit of 18 teams
• For players from high schools.
• Open to players born from 2005 + max 1 overage player born in 2004
• It is not required to be a champion, the tournament is open also to schools playing tchoukball by few months and willing to experiment the fun of playing on the beach
• Dedicated to the over 40 players, who appreciate more the relax of the sea then the frenetic rhythm of other tournaments.
• Open to teams whose average of the players' age is bigger than 40
• All teams have to play and referee, in accordance with the matchplans
• Every team has to be composed by at least 5 players (it is suggested to register 6 players per team; in case of injury it is allowed to play just in 4)
• A player can register and play in one team only
• A team can register in just one tournament
• Matches duration is 1 period of 12 minutes (only Slam tournament matches duration can be 2 period of 12 minutes with 3 minutes break)
• All the teams will play at least 9 matches during the whole Festival (generally 10-12)
• Tournaments start on Saturday at 8:45 AM and end on Sunday at about 4:30 PM
Download the complete matches rules